
16 June, 2011

Myths Propagated by Neo-Sikhs against Hinduism

I've been meaning to address this issue for very long. We Sikhs are a very gullible & ill educated lot that we have accepted everything that the Granthis & Singh Sabha Gyanis who have for their own political ambitions, managed to brainwash nearly 100% of the Sikhs into believing in cock & bull stories which were later invented during the late 19th century under British ruled Punjab. I'll begin with the first one:

'SATI, CHILD MARRIAGE, WIDOW REMARRIAGE' - Myth No.1 invented by Anti- Hindu Neo Sikhs

This is a great lie invented by Neo Sikhs like Kahn Singh Nabha who re-edited the entire Sikh history & one that is extremely popular to bash Hindus with:

'The status of women in Hindu society at that time was very low. When the husband died, the wife either voluntarily burnt herself on the pyre of her husband or was thrown into the fire without her consent. In popular term the woman who did perform this act was called Sati (truthful). Guru Amar Das carried out a vigorous campaign against the practice of Sati. He gave special attention to the improvement of the status of women and thus prohibited this practice. The Guru lifted the status of women as equal to men. He prohibited the practice of Sati and preached in favor of widow marriage.'

Lets take a look at the historical facts which we are never told:

With the brutal & barbaric invasions of Islamic hordes into Punjab, the favourite passtime of the Malesha Muslims was to attack villages, burn houses, kill men or take them as slaves, kidnap & rape Hindu women. Many Hindus were abducted from Afghanistan & Punjab, put in cages to be sold in the slave markets of Iraq. Babur or full name of the barbarian Muslim, Zahiruddin Mohammed Babur,who invaded Punjab several times gloats in his own biography of accounts 'Tojk Baburi' :

' In order to celebrate the auspiciousness of my victory, I rejoice in setting the villages & towns of the Hindu kuffirs ( infidels) on fire. They who are caught, I have killed them in front of me near the tent & I am hopeful of a place in Jannat ( Islamic heaven ). One time thousands of Hindus were slaughtered by my army that I had to change my tent three times. The women of the Kaffirs are fully dressed in their finest silks & adorned with heavy gold ornaments, fit to be won & captured as a booty for myself and in the name of Allah '

GuruNanak Devji in his BaburVani describes this barbarian  as the angel of death. Guruji saw the full devastation of the Hindus of Punjab and was witness to many horrors carried out by Babur. Referring to the pitiable plight of women, he states:

"the robes of some women are torn from head to foot."[79] "The heads which were adorned with tresses and filled with varmillion ( Sindoor ), are shaven and throats are chocked with dust....The ropes are put around their necks and their strings of pearls are broken. The order was given to the soldiers, who having dishonoured them, took them away."[80]

The above statement by Guru NanakDevji describes how Hindu women were being raped & abducted by the Muslim armies. His criticism of Babur refers to him when he was an invader & not yet established as the ruler of the land. Guru Nanak upbraided Babur and his troops for tyranny and atrocities by which Hindus had to suffer a lot. Guru Nanak did not condemn Babur because he was a Muslim, but because he had caused rape, death and devastation. the Sufis at the time celebrated Babur's tyranny against the Hindus while NanakDevji was concerned about the terrible plight of Hindu women because of Islamic tyranny.

Now back to the myth & hype of Sati practice of burning Hindu widows - a mere story made up by the British & anti Hindus without really taking a deeper look into this. The name Sati actually belongs to the Divine consort of Lord Shiva & in sanskrit it means 'Loyal & Steady'. Nowhere in Hindu scriptures whilst studying them have I been able to find anything encouraging the burning of women, but only a myth propagated to bash Hindus with. While Sati is a myth, Jauhar is an actual fact of medievel Indian history where thousands of Hindu women would voluntarily jump into burning fires along with their children to prevent the barbaric muslims from capturing them & raping them, after their husbands had been killed in battle. Also, we are never told that even the corpses of dead Hindu women were raped by the Islamic invaders to satisfy their urge of being rewarded the highest place in their Islamic Heaven of Paradise. Their ornaments were taken while their dead corpses were stripped of silk clothings. Instead of praising the sheer bravery of Hindu women who would rather burn their body than to let any Malesh musim touch it, what we are told in derogatory way by neo-Sikhs is that there is no respect of Hindu women who are 'forced to burn themselves'.

When foreign conquerors like Muslims invaded India they brought with them their own dark ages culture. For them women was the sole property of her father, brother or husband and she does not have any will of her own. The decline in women's status and freedom was that originally Hindus wanted to shield their women folk from the barbaric Muslim invaders. As polygamy was a norm for these invaders they picked up as many women as they wanted and kept them in their "harems" or were sold off in slave markets of Iraq. In order to protect them, Hindu women started using 'Purdah', (a veil), which covers body. Due to this reason their freedom also became affected. They were not allowed to move freely and this lead to the further deterioration of their status. These problems related with women resulted in changed mindset of people. Now they began to consider a girl as misery and a burden, which has to be shielded from the eyes of intruders and needs extra care. Due to this the practice of Baal Viyah or child marriage had crept into society also.

Guru Nanak Devji's accounts as witness in his BaburVani actually presents the hard reality of how low women's status had reached during the numerous Islamic invasions. Their status was not low because of any Hindu religious belief as we are led to believe by the Tat Khalsa puppets but that Islamic Jihad encouraged rape & abduction of Hindu women, which was totally alien to Hindu Dharam. Women in Hindu Dharam had been in highest regard & held important place in society. They were equally educated as their male counterparts & many had written Samrittis & Vedic philosophies also.
And this was exactly what Swami Vivekanand told when he was asked to differentiate west and east on this ground; he said:

‘In west, every woman other than a mother is a wife. But in India, every woman other than a wife is a mother’.

In fact modern sikhs have rejected their Sanatan Dharamic philosophy of giving a woman the status of a Goddess Lakshmi as seen in Hinduism. No other religion on Earth gives this highest form of respect to a woman as does Hindu Dharam where the wife is considered the image of Goddess Lakshmi of the house.

Women are the pillars of a house. If they divert towards un-homely acts, it is for sure that collapse of the family would result. Sanatan Hindusim believes that naturally, women are created more powerful then men. Men are stronger, but women are more powerful (In Hindu society, women are called ‘Shakti Swaroop’, meaning Goddess of Power). Strength and power are two different aspects. Strength persists in body, while power is a mental attribute. Tolerance capacity of women far exceeds men and it requires mental power to bear stress. Men are weak towards women, and this adds immensely to women’s power.


Woman as Widow in Vedic India: 

The Vedic texts indicate that widow remarriage was allowed. The Dharmasutras appended to various Vedic schools also permit widow remarriage.This general permission for remarriage of widows was maintained in some texts of classical Hinduism. In certain cases, if the husband went abroad for longer than a particular period of time, the woman was permitted to remarry as well.One may cite several examples of widow remarriages from ancient India. In the Harivamsha Purana, Ugrayudha proposes to Satyavati, the widow of Shantanu, indicating that it was not taboo to marry a widow. The Jataka tales narrate some other instances of men marrying widows in the Hindu society in the pre-Buddhist period. Emperor Chandragupta II in the 4 th century CE married the Dhruvadevi, the widow of his elder brother. Vira Hammira of Chittor married the widowed daughter of Maldeo and their son Kshetrasimha succeeded him to the throne of Udaipur. Remarriage of widow was generally recommended with her younger brother in law, though there does not seem to be an absolute restriction in this regard. Such examples were not commonplace though and a life of celibacy was generally recommended for widows.

So what Guru Amar DasJi did was to actually re-introduce these Vedic laws back into Punjabi society - this was nothing new to Hindu Dharam & also we mustn't forget that Guru AmarDasJi was a Hindu himself. Nowhere does he mention he is a Sikh following a different religion from that of his Hindu ancestors. What he has mentioned in a shabad has been totally distorted & suppressed by the Tat Khalsa goons by misinterpretations of this original verse. In a shabad  in measure Suhi, Guru Amar Das says,

"Satis are not those that burn themselves on the husband's funeral pyre; satis are they, O Nanak, who die of the pangs of separation (SGGS, 787)"

Guruji here is actually telling us the true meaning of Sati & not the distorted one we are led to believe.

The Myth of equality for Sikh women

Today Punjab is the only state in India with the highest figures of aborted female foetuses. In other words, Sikhs in their greed for having only the male child in their families, they commit female Foeticide where large numbers of aborted foetuses of female embryos have been found all over Punjab. This has pushed statistically the ratios of males higher to that of females. So what do the Neo Talibanised Sikhs have to say for the equality they of women they so preach falsely to everyone?
Here is the list of inequalities for Sikh women:
1] Female foeticide
2] Sikh women can never be part of the Paanj Piyaare where is the equality there?
3] After any singing of the Asa Di Vaar, prashaad karaa is distributed to men only - not to women..
4] Have you ever noticed that at Harmandir Sahib women are not allowed to do Kirtan and do certain seva?
Is it a boys only club?? Who are the Taliban Neo Sikhs kidding?


This is my second one that keeps me laughing away at the ignorance displayed by neo Sikhs blinded on this Tat Khalsa lie. Guru NanakDevji's famous verse : 'I am not a Hindu, nor a Muslim' is quickly brought in to give a separatist agenda. In fact they never finish the entire verse - I am not a Hindu, nor a Muslim, I am neither white nor Black. Here Guruji is describing the spiritual attributes of the Soul & Self - which has already been mentioned in the Upanishads millions of years before Guru Nanakji & this is nothing new he had mentioned.

Firstly, what gets me is why Muslims are always brought into the equation - I mean Islam advocates hatred & extermination of Kaffirs totally. So why oh why murakh neo-Sikhs always jump to this? Why this pathetic fear of Hindu brothers? Is the Muslim card always used to distant Sanatan Sikhi from its own mother Hindu Dharam? If we believe the Tat Khalsa lies of how Sikhi is in danger from Hindus then this is surely a miserable existence as Sikhs with no spiritual advancement whatsoever. We Sikhs did not drop down from another planet, nor from the skies of Punjab. We DO come from Hindus who are the one & the same as us - how can we harbour so much hatred for the same blood that flows in our veins? Why do we easily become brainwashed by the '' Gyanis '' of Tat Khalsa who preach to us that Sikhi is in danger & Hindus want to exterminate us? 

The other one we are told is that Brahmins are very jealous of Sikhi - WHAT? Why should they be? Brahmins are considered the same as what Granthis are to us. So why are we constantly being scared off from Brahmins by the Talibanised Tat Khalsa bigots? According to these bigots, everything is the fault of the Brahmins!! How pathetic is this?

We are the same from the same ancient Hindu ancestors of Punjab; We share the same heritage; We share the same blood that flows in our veins; We share the same festivals; We both fought alongside of each other against our common enemy - The Islamic invader; We share the same language & food; We come from the same Hindu Mother;We forget that our spiritual GuruBanis come from Hindu Saints & our own Hindu Gurus. 
Why then must we be made to believe blindly that we are alien from our Sanatan Dharmic background? Has Sikhi dropped out of the sky without its origins from the Hindu scriptures? Why is the Shri Adi Granth being misinterpreted wrongly by Tat Khalsa blinded Sikhs? I will not agree if our beautiful Sanatan Sikhi is deliberately being dragged into darkness by those blind ignorant Talibanised Sikhs just because of their ego & insistence of distorting our sacred philosophy which is entirely from the Vedas & Upanishads. These fools have gone totally against the teachings of our great Gurus by reducing Sikhi's association with Hindu Dharam as mere 'cultural identity' - this is a great disrespect & disgrace to Sanatan Sikhi & Gurus & they are living in denial only. They are the real enemies of Sanatan Sikhi Dharam & if they continue this way, it is only destruction of this great heritage that they are encouraging.

I believe All Sikhs are Hindus & ALL Hindus are Sikhs.

Copyright©Arjan Singh Virdi 2012. 

Guru NanakDevJi - The Vaishnava Hindu Saint

The Tat Khalsa Singh Sabhias have managed to suppress the Sanatan Hindu Sikhi version by inventing a new anti Hindu history & ignoring the fact that Guru NanakDevji was a Vaishnava Hindu Saint. I have come across authentic frescos dating back over 200 years which clearly show NanakDevji wearing a Chandan Tilak, Rudraksh Mala & Seli Topi instead of the image we are made to believe of him today.
The first image ( above) is the original handwritten Pothi by NanakDevji, a Shaligram dedicated to Lord Vishnu & mala & padam belonging to him. A Shila or Shaligram is a Hindu Vaishnava aniconic representation of Lord Vishnu, in the form of a spherical, usually black coloured stone found in the sacred river Gandaki.

ਹਾਥਿ ਚੜਿਓ ਹਰਿ ਸਾਲਗਿਰਾਮੁ ॥
haathh charriou har saalagiraam ||
I hold in my hands the Saalagraam of the Lord.

ਕਹੁ ਨਾਨਕ ਗੁਰਿ ਕੀਨੋ ਦਾਨੁ ॥੪॥੩੯॥੯੦॥
kahu naanak gur keeno dhaan ||4||39||90||
Says Nanak, the Guru has given me this Gift.
~SGGS Ji ang 393

Below is a fresco (over 200 yrs old), found in the inner sanctum of Dera Baba Charan Shah Udasin at Bahadurpur in Hoshiarpur, Punjab. It depicts the first Sikh Guru, Guru Nanak Dev, along Bhai Bala, a Hindu disciple is fanning the Guru. Note the Vaishnav Chandan tilak on His forehead.

Wooden Slippers worn by Guru Nanak Dev ji 
This Seli Topi was worn by Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, Sri Guru Angad Dev Ji, Sri Guru Amar Das Ji, Sri Guru Ram Das Ji & Sri Guru Arjan Dev Ji. Presently it is lying at the The Fort, Kartarpur District Jalandhar (Pb.) India. We are today made to believe that NanakDevji wore a Turban, when he wore the traditioal Seli Topi of Hindu Saints & sported a Vaishnava Chandan Tilak.



Above: Chola worn by Nanak Devji


Above: Jaap Mala used by Nanak devji

Hand written pothis of Nanak Devji

What did Guru Nanak Dev ji Look Like ?

A very rare portrait of Guru Nanak Dev ji ( circa 16th cetury A.D ) - He is accompanied by Bhai Mardana & He seems to be addressing a Saint dressed up as a Hindu woman adorned with the sixteen forms of traditional beauty & clothing- notice the Red Tilak on Guruji's forehead & the traditional Seli Topi worn by Hindu saints of the Bhakti period.

Above: Guruji in the company of Bhai Mardana playing the rabab, while Bhai Bala stands behind Guruji who is conversing with Hindu saints - rare painting dated 17th century.

Above: Guru Nanak Devji with Bhai Mardana playing the rabab & Bhai Bala holding a fan - notice how Guruji is depicted in this traditional 18th century painting - He is holding a rudraksh mala & a traditional 'Kamandal' which a small pot used by all Hindu Yogis that holds water.

Above: Blocks of wood were carved with the outlines and shapes of pictures. These could then be inked and printed onto paper. This technique for mass production was adopted in Panjab in the 19th century and enabled artists to reach a much larger market than previously.Above is a 19th century portrait made in wood - Guru Nanak Devji with Bhai Mardana & Bhai Bala. ( Victoria & Albert Museum, London )

Upto the early period of 19th century Guru Nanak Devji was painted by artists as a traditional Hindu Saint of the Bhakti period of India until the Tat Khalsa was established towards the end. From then onwards, a very different looking Nanak Devji - an image of Him similar to some Sufi type of Saint was circulated - which today's Sikhs have been forced to accept.

Above: A very rare painting - 17th century - Hindu saints & Kings paying homage to Guru Nanak ji. Again Guruji is portrayed as a Hindu Saint wearing His traditional seli topi.

Above: Guru ji as a child & student of Pandit Gopal ji the Brahmin teacher ( painting 17th century).

Above: Guru Nanak ji with Sant Gorakhnath ( painting is from circa 17th century ). Again, Guruji is traditionally wearing the red tilak of a Hindu sant.

                  Above: Guru Nanak with Sant Kabir ( painting: circa 17th century ) 

Above: Bhai Lehna visits Guru Nanak Devji - ( ca: 17th century) Again all are depicted wearing traditional red tilak marks including Bhai Mardana who is playing the rabab.

Above: Painting from circa 17th century -Guru Nanak Devji listening to Bhai Bala who is seated on the red seat.

Above: Guru Nanak Devji in the company of Brahmins & Yogis ( painting: circa 17th century)

The Transformation of Guru Nanak Dev ji's Image as seen below:

Copyright©Arjan Singh Virdi 2012.