
28 November, 2012

Kartik Purnima & GuruPurab

Kartik Purnima is the sacred Hindu day celebrated on the full moon day or the fifteenth lunar day of the month Kartika (November–December). It is also known as Tripuri Purnima and Tripurari Purnima. It is sometimes called Deva-Diwali or Deva-Deepawali - the festival of lights of the Devateys. The Kartik Purnima festival also coincides with the festival of  Guru Nanak Dev Jayanti.
This year's Guru Nanak Jayanti is the 544th birth anniversary of Guru Nanak Dev, on Wednesday, November 28

On this most auspicious day, Sikhs as well as Hindus offer prayers to the sacred river Ganga and take a holy dip also known as Snaan.

The significance in Sanatan Hindu Dharm goes back to over millions of years when it is believed that Lord Shiva defeated the demons or Asuric forces of Tripura Asura.  Shiva in His form as Tripurantaka (Killer of Tripurasura) killed Tripurasura on this day. Tripurasura had conquered the whole world and defeated the Devateys and also created three cities in space, together called "Tripura". The killing of the demon(s) and destruction of his/their cities with a single arrow - by Shiva overjoyed the Devateys and they pronounced the day as a festival of illuminations. This day is also called "Dev-Diwali" - the Diwali of the gods. Diwali is the Hindu festival of lights.

26 August, 2012

1984 - Sikh Genocide by Congress Party Goons

1984 has been used widely to drive a wedge between us Sikhs & our Hindu brothers but who was behind this heinous crime? Answer: The CONGRESS party which is highly a pro-Muslim/pro- Christian party, which oppresses Hindus as well as Sikhs. Though very cleverly,1984 has been known as 'Anti-Sikh Riots', it should have been correctively named as the 'Sikh Genocide' orchestrated by the ruling Congress Party. The 1984 Delhi Sikh genocide refers to a four-day pogrom that took place in various parts of India’s capital, New Delhi, causing the death of nearly 4,000 Sikhs. It followed the assassination on October 31, 1984 of Indira Gandhi, Prime Minister of India, by her two Sikh bodyguards, in revenge for Operation Blue Star. This event – probably the most deadly in the violent history of Delhi – remains highly controversial. Twenty-five years later, most of its instigators and perpetrators remain unpunished despite the claims of various survivors and human rights groups that the pogrom was orchestrated by officials of the Congress Party with the connivance of Delhi administration and police. Anti-Sikh violence was not restricted to Delhi but also took place in other Hindi-speaking heartland states like Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and Haryana.  

One name which keeps coming up time & time again is that of Jagdish Tytler. Hardly any Sikh actually knows who Jagdish Tytler is,  nor anything of his background, but we are always told that 'Hindus' killed thousands of Sikhs on the eve of Indira Gandhi's assassination. In reality, the canard spread by the Congress backed mobs attacking innocent Sikhs was that it was the work of RSS as well as Hindu mobs, when the stark truth was that it was the Christian, Marxist  & Muslim youth Congress mobs who had gone on an organised spree of killing so many Sikhs - including some of my relatives who sadly died & one who survived after rampaging mobs attacked him with knives, tearing his stomach, but miraculously, my uncle survived the ordeal by tying his wounded abdomen with his turban & walked some miles before reaching a hospital.

The man in charge of this heinous crime is Jagdish Tytler - here's something about his background.

Jagdish Tytler was born as Jagdish Kapoor in Gujranwala, in January 1944. His father was a Hindu & mother, Dayal Kaur was a Sikh. During partition,Tytler at the age of three, was orphaned when his parents were both killed by rioting Muslims in Pakistan. He was adopted by a Christian missionary James Douglas Tytler, the founder of Delhi Public School and several other schools. He later married a Christian known as Jenny.

This revealing article by Kanchan Gupta says a lot about 1984 Sikh Genocide in Delhi by Congress goons.

Manmohan Singh and Congress suffer from selective amnesia as they rake up the 2002 Gujarat violence to malign the BJP. But even if they choose to forget the 1984 pogrom that left more than 4,000 Sikhs dead, the story remains fresh in the minds of many, among them survivors waiting for justice for 25 years.

Check out the Testimony of Surinder Singh on 1984 Sikh Genocide. Jagdish Tytler, a sikh by birth, later was converted to Christianity by James Douglas Tytler, who was the founder of many public schools including the Delhi Public School and the Summer Fields School.How come a person brought up by an eminent personality like James Douglas Tytler,can do such an act in 1984 riots, that too on his own Sikh brothers?Does Christianity teach love or hatred?This reminds me of the Goa inquisition by Portuguese.

Caught on the wrong foot over the brazen manner in which it tried to absolve Jagdish Tytler and Sajjan Kumar of the serious charges that have been levelled against them by survivors of the 1984 pogrom that resulted in the slaughter of 4, 733 Sikhs, the Congress has struck back at its principal political adversary, the BJP, by once again raising the bogey of the 2002 post-Godhra violence in Gujarat.

Addressing a Press conference in Mumbai on Monday, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, who would like people to believe that he was “not informed, not consulted, over the CBI’s clean chit to Jagdish Tytler” although that is an impossibility, has said, “Nor will I be found wringing my hands in frustration while one of my Chief Ministers condones a pogrom targeted at minorities.”

Ironically, even as the Prime Minister was seeking to resurrect the Gujarat ‘pogrom’ and remind people of the ‘atrocities’ committed against Muslims, the Special Investigation Team set up by the Supreme Court and headed by former CBI director RK Raghavan submitted its report, refuting the allegations that have sustained the myth-making aimed at demonising Mr Narendra Modi and tarring the BJP’s image.

The SIT’s report shows Mr Singh’s description of the Gujarat violence as a “pogrom targeted at minorities” is as fanciful as his denial of any knowledge about the CBI exonerating those who are accused of leading murderous mobs during the 1984 violence, planned and executed by Congress ‘leaders’ to avenge the assassination of Mrs Indira Gandhi. Noted writer and veteran journalist Khushwant Singh, recalling those terrible days of 1984, told the Nanavati Commission of Inquiry, set up by the BJP-led NDA Government, that the hideous bloodletting left him “feeling like a Jew in Nazi Germany”.

It is possible that Mr Manmohan Singh has no memories of that massacre; selective amnesia is a disease from which too-clever-by-half politicians tend to suffer. It is also possible that he and his patrons in the Congress believe that by pretending nothing of note happened in 1984, those born after Congress mobs ran amok on the streets of Delhi, garlanding Sikhs with burning tyres, can be persuaded to vote for a party which claims to stand against the BJP’s ‘divisive politics’.

Such sanctimonious self-righteousness is best avoided by the Congress, not least because its then president — and India’s Prime Minister — Rajiv Gandhi had no qualms about justifying the carnage. “Some riots took place in the country following the murder of Indiraji,” Rajiv Gandhi said on November 19, 1984, even as thousands of families grieved for their loved ones killed by Congress hoodlums, “We know the people were very angry and for a few days it seemed India had been shaken. But when a mighty tree falls, it is only natural that the earth around it does shake a little.” Some riots? Only natural? Shake a little?

Of course, Mr Singh would claim no knowledge of any of this. Perhaps he would even insist that he was “not informed, not consulted” by Rajiv Gandhi, or, for that matter, the mobs that bayed for blood (and feasted on it) for four days before someone called the Army in.

Twenty-five years is a long time. Public memory is notoriously short and it is unlikely those who have attained the right to vote in these 25 years would know what the protest against the Congress deciding to give party tickets to Jagdish Tytler and Sajjan Kumar is all about. It would, therefore, be in order to recall the chain of events lest we be persuaded to believe that nothing of consequence happened by a Prime Minister who spends sleepless nights worrying about a terror suspect held in distant Australia but blithely disowns responsibility for the shocking attempt to whitewash the crimes of his party and its ‘leaders’ committed against thousands at home.

So, here is the story, briefly told, of how more than 4,000 Sikh men, women and children were slaughtered; in Delhi alone, 2,733 Sikhs were burned alive, butchered or beaten to death. Women were raped while their terrified families pleaded for mercy, little or none of which was shown by the Congress goons. In one of the numerous such incidents, a woman was gang-raped in front of her 17-year-old son; before leaving, the marauders torched the boy.

For three days and four nights the killing and pillaging continued without the police, the civil administration and the Union Government, which was then in direct charge of Delhi, lifting a finger in admonishment. The Congress was in power and could have prevented the violence, but the then Prime Minister, his Home Minister, indeed the entire Council of Ministers, twiddled their thumbs.

Even as stray dogs gorged on charred corpses and wailing women, clutching children too frightened to cry, fled mobs armed with iron rods, staves and gallons of kerosene, AIR and Doordarshan kept on broadcasting blood-curdling slogans like ‘Khoon ka badla khoon se lenge’ (We shall avenge blood with blood) raised by Congress workers grieving over their dear departed leader.

In mid-morning on October 31, 1984, Mrs Indira Gandhi was assassinated by two Sikh guards posted at her home. Her death was ‘officially’ confirmed at 6 pm, after due diligence had been exercised to ensure Rajiv Gandhi’s succession. By then, reports of stray incidents of violence against Sikhs, including the stoning of President Zail Singh’s car, had started trickling in at various police stations.

By the morning of November 1, hordes of men were on the rampage in south, east and west Delhi. They were armed with iron rods and carried old tyres and jerry cans filled with kerosene and petrol. Owners of petrol pumps and kerosene stores, beneficiaries of Congress largesse, provided petrol and kerosene free of cost. Some of the men went around on scooters and motorcycles, marking Sikh houses and business establishments with chalk for easy identification. They had been provided with electoral rolls to make their task easier.

By late afternoon that day, hundreds of taxis, trucks and shops owned by Sikhs had been set ablaze. By early evening, the murder, loot and rape began in right earnest. The worst butchery took place in Block 32 of Trilokpuri, a resettlement colony in east Delhi. The police either participated in the violence or merely watched from the sidelines.

Curfew was declared in south and central Delhi at 4 pm, and in east and west Delhi at 6 pm on November 1. But there was no attempt to enforce it. PV Narasimha Rao, the then Home Minister, remained unmoved by cries for help. In his affidavit to the Nanavati Commission of Inquiry, Lt-Gen Jagjit Singh Aurora, decorated hero of the 1971 India-Pakistan war, said, “The Home Minister was grossly negligent in his approach, which clearly reflected his connivance with perpetrators of the heinous crimes being committed against the Sikhs.”

The first deployment of the Army took place around 6 pm on November 1 in south and central Delhi, which were comparatively unaffected, but in the absence of navigators, which should have been provided by the police and the civil authorities, the jawans found themselves lost in unfamiliar roads and avenues.

The Army was deployed in east and west Delhi in the afternoon of November 2, more than 24 hours after the killings began. But, here, too, the jawans were at a loss because there were no navigators to show them the way through byzantine lanes.

In any event, there was little the Army could have done: Magistrates were ‘not available’ to give permission to fire on the mobs. This mandatory requirement was kept pending till Mrs Indira Gandhi’s funeral was over. By then, 1,026 Sikhs had been killed in east Delhi. Jagdish Tytler and Sajjan Kumar were among Congress ‘leaders’ who, witnesses said, incited and led mobs. Both deny the allegation, but the evidence is overwhelming.

A report on the pogrom, jointly prepared by the PUCL and PUDR and published under the title, Who Are the Guilty? names both of them along with others. The report quotes well-known journalist Sudip Mazumdar: “The Police Commissioner, SC Tandon was briefing the Press (about 10 Indian reporters and five foreign journalists) in his office on November 6, at 5 pm. A reporter asked him to comment on the large number of complaints about local Congress MPs and lightweights trying to pressure the police to get their men released. The Police Commissioner totally denied the allegation… Just as he finished uttering these words, Jagdish Tytler, Congress MP from Sadar constituency, barged into the Police Commissioner’s office along with three other followers and on the top of his voice demanded, ‘What is this Mr Tandon? You still have not done what I asked you to do?’ The reporters were amused, the Police Commissioner embarrassed. Tytler kept on shouting and a reporter asked the Police Commissioner to ask that ‘shouting man’ to wait outside since a Press conference was on. Tytler shouted at the reporter, ‘This is more important.’ The reporter told the Police Commissioner that if Tytler wanted to sit in the office he would be welcome, but a lot of questions regarding his involvement would also be asked and he was welcome to hear them. Tytler was fuming…”

The slaughter was not limited to Delhi, though. Sikhs were killed in Gurgaon, Kanpur, Bokaro, Indore and many other towns and cities in States ruled by the Congress. In a replay of the mayhem in Delhi, 26 Sikh soldiers were pulled out of trains and killed.

After quenching their thirst for blood, the mobs retreated to savour their ‘revenge’. The flames died and the winter air blew away the stench of death. Rajiv Gandhi’s Government issued a statement placing the death toll at 425!

Demands for a judicial inquiry were stonewalled by Rajiv Gandhi. Human rights organisations petitioned the courts; the Government said courts were not empowered to order inquiries. Meanwhile, Rajiv Gandhi dissolved the Lok Sabha and went for an early election, which the Congress swept by using the ‘sympathy card’ and launching a vitriolic hate campaign.

Once in office, Rajiv Gandhi was desperate for a breakthrough in Punjab. He mollycoddled Akali leader Sant Harchand Singh Longowal into agreeing to sign a peace accord with him. Sant Longowal listed a set of pre-conditions; one of them was the setting up of a judicial commission to inquire into the pogrom.

Thus was born the Ranganath Misra Commission of Inquiry, which took on the job of crafting a report that would suggest extra-terrestrials were to be blamed for whatever had happened. Worse, submissions and affidavits were passed on to those accused of leading the mobs; some of these documents were later recovered from the house of Sajjan Kumar. Gag orders were issued, preventing the Press from reporting in-camera proceedings of the Commission.

For full six months, Rajiv Gandhi refused to make public the Ranganath Misra Commission’s report. When it was tabled in Parliament, the report was found to be an amazing travesty of the truth; neither were the guilty men of 1984 named, now was responsibility fixed.

Subsequently, nine commissions and committees were set up to get to the truth, but they were either disbanded midway or not allowed access to documents and evidence. India had to wait for the report of the Nanavati Commission for an approximate version of the real story.

Justice Nanavati’s report said, “The Commission considers it safe to record its finding that there is credible evidence against Jagdish Tytler to the effect that very probably he had a hand in organising attacks on Sikhs.” This is not an indictment, Mr Manmohan Singh and his Government decided, so why bother about it? Four years later they remain unrepentant, their attitude remains unchanged.

Two thousand seven hundred and thirty-three men, women and children killed in Delhi, another 2,000 killed elsewhere, scores of women raped, property worth crores of rupees looted or sacked. Families devastated forever, survivors scarred for the rest of their lives.

But the Congress doesn’t care! 

Surely, this anti Hindu/ anti Sikh Indian Government where mostly it is dominated by Christians & Muslims have successfully achieved to drive a wedge between both Sikhs & Hindus.

Here is a great video I found on Youtube to ponder upon.

24 May, 2012

Puratan swaroop of Shri Adi Granth Ji

Sanatan Heritage of Sikhi

Blessed is the paper, blessed is the pen, blessed is the ink.
Blessed is the writer, O Nanak, who writes the True Name. ||1|| 

(Guru Nanak Sahib. Raag Malaar Ang 1291) 

ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂ ਜੀ ਕਾ ਖ਼ਾਲਸਾ
ਵਹਿਗੁਰੂ ਜੀ ਕੀ ਫਤਿਹ॥

This post is about the Puratan Swaroop of Shri Adi Granthji with beautiful & rare images never seen before. These include the Jaapji prayer, images of decorated Swaroops with Ek Omkaar flanked by Hindu Devatas like Ganesh, Hanuman, Shri Krishanji, Brahma, Mata Saraswati, Mahakal Shivji, etc

Jaap Ji in Puratan Swaroop

             Puratan Swaroop of decorated Dasam Granthji from the collection of British Library

Decorated Swaroops from National Museum New Delhi - Above Swaroop is a profusely decorated copy of the Damdami Birh - lavishly illuminated in Kashmiri style. The Swaroop was commissioned by Sodhi Bhan Singh of Haranpur (district Jhelum) between 1839 and 1843, it was produced by Kashmiri artist Miha Singh and the scribe Misar Prakas. Bhan Singh was a Sodhi decendent of Prithi Chand. . 

The contents page with Omkaar of the Birh is striking with Lord Vishnu as DvadashKamalas - the 12 petalled lotuses - illustrations of  all the Hindu Devatas are there including Ganesh & Hanumanji

Above: we see the tradition of Bhai Banno, it is said that when Guru ArjanDevJi  finished dictating the Adi Granth Ji to Bhai Gurdas the scribe, he sent Bhai Banno to Lahore to have the Pothi bound. Bhai Banno made a copy of the pothi which he also had bound. He presented both the volumes to Guru Sahib. In the illustration from this birh we can see Bhai Banno and Bhai Gurdas standing by their respective 'birhs' and Guru Arjan Dev Ji is pointing to the birh scribed by Bhai Gurdas as the accepted birh. 

Below: close up of the image:Omkaar flanked by Shivji, Brahmaji, Vishnuji, Mata Laskhmiji, Ganeshji, Hanumanji

Puratan Swaroop depicting Guru Sahibaan & Bhan Singh ji worshipping Lord Mahakaal Shivji, Chandi Mata

Jaap Ji decorated Swaroop with the Dvadash ( 12 ) Lotus petals with Vedic Hindu Devatas: Ganesh as Omkaar, Krishanji, Narasingh Avatar of Lord Vishnu, Goddess Saraswati with Lord Ganesh.

NaraSingh Avatar of Lord Vishnu

23 May, 2012

Guru Nanak Devji Was a Hindu

The controversial painting that dates back to the early-mid 19th century showing Guru Nanak Devji wearing a Seli Topi, has a Tilak & is shown praying to Lord Vishnu. The painting, like all the Puraatan ones of Guruji, truly shows & proves how Sikhism is a part of the whole Hindu family and is a Panth ( Path ) of this great Sanatan heritage. SGPC, the Singh Sabha, including the Taliban brigade of Canadian Sikhs, have tried suppressing facts & have lived in denial of their Hindu roots of Sikhi, but the above rare Puraatan painting, which is stored in the Shimla museum, says more then a thousand words.

Neo-Sikhs, I certainly hope you all  enjoy looking at this beautiful painting of Guru Nanak Devji with none other than the 'Brahminical God' known as Lord Vishnu.


ਪਉੜੀ ੧ : ਮੂਲ ਮੰਗਲਾਚਰਣ
Ikonkaar Satigur Prasaadi ॥
ੴ सतिगुर प्रसादि ॥
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru

ਅਖਰੀ ਨਾਮੁ ਅਖਰੀ ਸਾਲਾਹ ॥akharee naam akharee saalaah ||

From the Word, comes the Naam; from the Word, comes Your Praise.
~SGGS Ji ang 4

AUM - the Pranava sound described in the Vedas is the Shabad Naad of the true ParamAtma, the Supreme Brahman. It is believed that from AUM, which is the Shabad Naad  ( word & sound ) came the entire Cosmos into being. AUM is the essence of the Vedas, Upanishads as well as the Hindu Holy scripture known as Bhagavad Gita. It is recited at the beginning of all prayers in Sanatan Dharmic tradition. AUM is the Ek Akshar Shabda Brahma which is the form of ParaBrahma, the One who is praised throughout the Vedas, Upanishads as well as the Sri Adi Granth - we come across the mentioning of ParaBrahma many times in Sri Adi Granth. From AUM-kaar, the One word, came Brahma, Vishnu & Shiva - the Trinity of Devatas, representing the diverse manifestations & energies of the Supreme Being. AUM represents the idea that in spite of manifesting Himself diversely, the Supreme Being represents the Cosmic energy of creation through the One Sound Vibration.

Let us see what the Hindu scriptures say about Aum : 

The First Word Om (Aum)
"It is also called Pranava because its sound emanates from the Prana (vital vibration), which feels the Universe. The scripture says "Aum Iti Ek Akshara Brahman" (Aum that One syllable is Supreme Brahman)."  

When you pronounce AUM :

A - emerges from the throat, originating in the region of the navel - represents the physical plane
U - rolls over the tongue - represents the mental and the astral planes, the world of spirits, all heavens
M - ends on the lips - represents all the deep sleep state and all that is unknown and beyond the reach of the intellect even in your waking
A - waking, U - dreaming, M – sleeping

The symbol of AUM contains of three curves, one semicircle and a dot. The large lower curve symbolizes the waking state; the upper curve denotes deep sleep (or the unconscious) state, and the lower curve (which lies between deep sleep and the waking state) signifies the dream state. These three states of an individual's consciousness, and therefore the entire physical phenomenon, are represented by the three curves. The dot signifies the Absolute (fourth or Turiya state of consciousness), which illuminates the other three states. The semicircle symbolizes maya (Maya is the illusion that the phenomenal world of separate objects and people is the only reality. and separates the dot from the other three curves. The semicircle is open on the top, which means that the absolute is infinite and is not affected by maya. In this way the form of Aum symbolizes the infinite Brahman and the entire Universe. 

Vedanta reiterates this eternal truth in the statement : 

Brahma Satyam: Brahman, the Infinite, alone is real. Jagat mithyaa: Jagat, or the world of experiences, is an illusion. Jeevo Brahmaiva na apraah: And jeeva, or the individual ego, is that Infinite alone, not something other than It." 

The Upanishads declare that there is only one Reality; if we see anything other than That, it is unreal. The same eternal Truth is what is indicated by Guru Nanakji in the use of the word Ek. He added Om to EK & continued the Vedic tradition of invoking the ParaBrahma as Om before beginning all Shabads etc.


Nanak says, 'This world is an illusion, like the dream at night.'" We think Ishwara, jeeva and jagat, that is, God, man and the world, are three different entities. But in reality they are one.

So, in short,  Ek Akshara AumKaar as described in Hindu scriptures, means the One word or One syllable AUM.  Kaar is the Sanskrit word for Sound Vibration (Naad), syllable & word. 

As far as Sanatan Sikh tradition goes, Aumkaar is the One word, one syllable & sound vibration representing ParaBrahma & centuries down the line from Guru Nanak Devji, to the 10th Guruji, the word  was pronounced as AumKaar, until the British paid Christian agent, Max Arthur Macauliffe during the 1800s, turned AUMKAAR into a misinterpretation of  his Protestant 'One God' as in Abrahamic belief of monism.He misinterpreted the Aum syllable as having a meaning of ' There is only One God' instead of its true meaning as per the Pranava sound of Shabad Naad & mispronounced it as ON-Kar. The Europeans lack the ability to  pronounce gutteral sounds which form part of all Indian languages derived from Sanskrit, as is well known. The paranoia suffered by Neo-Sikhs is incredible when it comes to proving Omkar as Onkar which they claim is not the 'same as the one in Hindu Dharam'. They will do & say anything & go great lengths in trying to prove how OANG-kar is not taken from the original AUM-Kaar. 

The word ON-Kaar evolved further into OAN-Kar & now all of a sudden it is being pronounced nowadays as IK OANG-Kar! They falsely claim that the 'Sikh' OANGKAR is very different from the original Hindu Omkar - obviously it is now different since even its pronunciation has been deliberately changed in order to give it a distinct sound from the original Omkar mentioned by Guru NakaDevji. But these brainwashed Talibanised 'Sikhs' fail to understand that the idea of OANG-Kar was borrowed from its Vedic mother - AUM-Kar which is Pranava Naad & by discarding this, not even the first word of the first sentence of Japji Sahib will make any sense.  So what is Pranava? It is a very deep philosophical Sound vibration, which the ignorants following the Abrahamic faiths would never have a clue about, but have managed to Christianize/ Islamise the very true meaning of AUM.

The Pranava (AUM) is a combination of four parts, namely, 1. A (Aakaara), 2. U (Ukaara), 3. M (Makaara) and 4.Bindu and Naad. These parts are symbolic of 1. Creation, 2. Preservation, 3. Dissolution and 4. Deliverance, which form the eternal life-death rhythm that goes on in an endless cycle. Thus, Pranava is the sound manifestation of God. 

The four parts of AUM correspond to four states of Consciousness: 
1. The sound 'a' is the symbol of the waking state (Jagrath Avastha
2. The sound 'u' is the symbol of the dream state (Svapna Avastha). 
3. The sound 'm' is the symbol of the deep-sleep state (Sushupti Avastha). 
4. The closing sound of the syllable, followed by silence, is the symbol of the transcendental state (Turiya).

Four stages of AUM 
The Four stages of the syllable Om are the complete representation of the four stages of sound and their counterparts. 
1. The physical (Sthula) part is connected to Vaikhari sabda. 
2. The subtle (Sukshma) part is connected to Madhyama sabda. 
3. The causal (Karana) part is connected to Pasyanthi sabda 
4. The transcendental part is connected to Para sabda

Four states of Consciousness 

The four stages of sound and their counterparts are manifested in the four states of consciousness: 
1. The physical body operates in the state of wakefulness. It is in this realm of consciousness and through this body that Vaikhari-vak is manifested. 
2. The subtle body operates in the dream state. It is in this realm of consciousness and through this body that the Madhyama-vak is manifested. 
3. The causal body operates in the state of deep sleep state. It is in this realm of consciousness and through this body that the Pashyanti-vak is manifested. 
4. The Para-vak is manifested through the fourth state of consciousness, namely, the transcendental (turiya) state.


The Singh Sabha definition / translation of 'Ikonkar', Ik ong Kar, Ik OANG-kar -  has no meaning at all. Their definition of AUM as ON-kar, Ong-Kar, Oang-Kar as  'There is Only One ( Creator ) God' has no meaning at all in any form in the Sri Adi Granthji. Not so as per the Vedic Pranava concept of Sound & Naad which is Pranava Nada, the pure manifestation of the Nirguna to come into world of Prakriti/ manifestation through the power of Shabd Brahman, which was created by Mantra AUM the vibrational SOUND current.

Shri Adi Granthsays, "Omkar Ved nirmaye." It literally means Omkar (God) revealed the Vedas.
Adi Granthji also mentions: ,"Ved, Kitab kaho mat jhoote, jhoota woh jo na vichare."

''Do not say that the Vedas and the other holy scriptures are not true scriptures; the individual who does not study them is an untruthful person.''

Ek is pronounced as IK by the SGPC Granthis & Omkaar is pronounced as ON-Kar & recently to OANG-Kar, where the meaning of the word Kar is translated nowadays as 'to create' or to do, instead of the original KAAR taken from the sanskrit word of Sound Vibration or Naad Brahma. By twisting & manipulating the meaning of Omkaar & blindly following the manipulated Christian definitions of Vedic Omkaar mantra, the Neo-Sikhs have now begun to sing at the beginnings of all prayers - be it the divine Jaap Ji or even Shabads - as IK OANGKAR! This pathetic attempt of theirs to make their version of Sikhi appear to be different from the original Sanatan Sikhi is beyond imagination. Or should I say rather foolish ? So according to these Talibani Sikhs, they have sunk so low that they actually need Macauliffe a British imperialist to translate for them what Ek Omkaar is & how to (mis) pronounce it as IKOANG-Kar? BUT have great problems with the Vedic meaninigs of AUM-Kaar which belong to the whole Indian nation? And, these same Neo Sikhs are quick to call Macauliffe a great historian, the representative of Sikhs & a great schoalr as well! Well here in his own words, this is what this Satan mentioned :

While Max Arthur McAuliffe achieved the position of Deputy Commissioner in Punjab in 1882, Macauliffe wrote the popular Tat Khalsa text. 

‘It is admitted that a knowledge of the religions of the people of India is a desideratum for the British officials who administer its affairs and indirectly for the people who are governed by them so that mutual sympathy may be produced. It seems, at any rate politic to place before the Sikh soldiery their Guru’s prophecies in favor of the English and the texts of their sacred writings which foster their loyalty.’ ‘The Sikh Religion’,1909, M.A. Macauliffe, Preface xxii
Volume 1, By Max Arthur MacAuliffe p. 13

How can the Sikhs trust this anti-Sikh British Christian skunk?

The One referred to by EK has its original roots in the Vedas, Ek Akshara Aumkara, the Primal God which is Present as vibrational Presence in Sound, and the power of mantra or Jaap Naam simran is derived from this sound. If mantras had no power of vibrational Presence of the Divine Nirguna Nirakar, coming into Sargun Sakaar, or some perceivable form, there would be no power of Guru Vakya or Shabda. There would be no Shabda. There would be no NAAM. There would be no Gurmantra. And more importantly, there would be no boat of Mukti or method of liberation in the Kalyug.

Thererfore the  translated definition by the Neo-Sikhs of "One Creator God" is completely false &  meaningless. The reciting of the very term ' Ikonkar, or shall we correctly say, Ek Aumkaar, is the very boat of Mukti that can transcend the ocean of misery as described in the Sri Adi Granthji as the method for achieving transcendence through elevation of consciousness to the Turiya state and merging as ONE  with the  Divine Consciousness.

By suppressing & ignoring the underlying Sanskrit terminology, the SGPC in cahoots with their partners in crime, the Neo Sikhs, have successfully managed to keep the truth of Sanatan Dharam roots of Sikhi away from the attention of gullible 'Sikhs' of today.  They have done this through the many Youtube 'Gurus' who make idiotic videos that challenge everything & anything within Sikhi that has roots in Hinduism to the anti- Sanatan venomous websites & forums over the net.

22 May, 2012

Ten Myths that were Propagated by the British Missionaries

When the British came to India as beggars, with beads in their hands thinking we were primitive savages, they were in fact taken aback & shocked to see sophisticated cities, with beautiful buildings, palaces of Maharajas, wealth, food, resources etc Something they did not have back home in the UK. The Christian missionaries, who were paid agents like Macualiffe, Muller etc of the East India company,came with their venom against Hinduism & did their best to spread canards about 'evil Brahmins', who oppressed the 'native Dravidians' & 'Aryans' who drove the 'Dravidians' away into the South. The gorres also spread lies about how Brahmins wanted to destroy Sikhism in Punjab & how Hinduism was full of superstition and barbaric practises. In fact they fed us with complete and utter bullshit so to brainwash us into becoming Christians & taking up their so called Victorian ( read backward ) values.

The following is taken from a book by Sita Ram Goel ( Hindu temples & what happened to them Volume 2), that perfectly explains the reasons behind the poisoning of our minds against the Brahmins & Hinduism in general thanks to the British. The passage is a just a small part of the entire chapter which is good eye opener if you are really into Indian history like I am.

The new imperialism had three faces - Christian, British, and Communist. It was far more competent than Islamic imperialism in terms of both means and methods. But the deadliest weapon it wielded was a new type of scholarship which it used in progressive stages for disarming the Hindus ideologically.

This scholarship was a many-splendoured mansion - Anthropology, Sociology, Historiography, Linguistics, Comparative Religion, Indology, German Idealism, French Positivism, British Utilitarianism, Soviet Marxism-Leninism, and the rest. It had some fascinating facets. Its essential theme, however, was only a variation on the Christian missionary lore in as much as it believed and had proved to its own satisfaction that the white man’s world was the centre of the universe, that the white man’s civilization was the highest achievement in human history, and that the white man had to shoulder the heavy burden of civilizing the rest of mankind which was seen as wallowing in varying stages of barbarism. But simply because this scholarship had surfaced in the same area and at the same time as Modern Science, it had come to pretend that it also shared the scientific spirit. Marxism-Leninism was the culmination of this masquerade.

This is not the occasion to go into details of how the latter-day imperialism mobilized this scholarship for mounting an unprecedented assault on the Hindu intellectual elite. What we are concerned with in the present context is the portrait of Hindus and Hinduism which this scholarship proceeded to paint. The salient features of the portrait which emerged at the end of the operation were as follows:
1. The old and the most sacred scripture of the Hindus, the Rigveda, provides impeccable evidence that a race of blood-thirsty barbarians, who worshipped equally blood-thirsty gods and who styled themselves as Aryans, invaded this country in the second millenium BC, slaughtered or enslaved all those natives who could not escape to the far South or forests and mountain fastnesses in the North, and settled down to live on the fat of this fertile land for all time to come.

2. With a view to perpetuate their stranglehold on the country and its native people, the Aryans created a caste system in which they themselves constituted the higher castes - BrãhmaNas, KSatriyas, and Vaišyas- while they reduced the conquered populace to the status of Šûdras and outcaste untouchables.

3. At the same time, the Aryans concoted a priestcraft, presided over by the wily Brahmins and couched in the complex Sanskrit literature, in order to legitimize and safeguard the caste system.

4. Whatever veneer of culture the Aryans managed to acquire, was borrowed by them from the native people whom the Sanskrit literature had shamelessly described as Dãsas, Dasyus, Asuras, Nãgas, RãkSasas, and the rest.

5. That veneer of culture also took no time to come off when, at a subsequent stage, the custodians of Brahminism destroyed the shrines and slaughtered the saints of Buddhism and Jainism, simply because these rationalist and humanitarian religions questioned the iniquities and cruelties of the caste system and pleaded for a just and equalitarian social order.

6. But as the people’s protest against the primitive superstitions, the puerile priestcraft, and the cruel caste system of Brahminism continued to grow, Brahminism disguised itself in a number of new-sounding cults- Šaivism, Šãktism, VaiSNavism, etc.-and concocted a new series of Sanskrit literature - the PurãNas and the Dharmašãstras - in order to hoodwink the people and ensure the continuity of the caste system, with the crafty Brahmins sitting at its top and cornering unequal privileges as well as rich profits.

7. Thus the essence of Brahminism alias Hinduism has been, and remains, the economically exploitative, socially oppressive, and culturally moribund caste system, no matter how many heaven-tearing philosophies it stocks in its shop in order to hide the fraud.

8. Hinduism alias Brahminism has continued, and will continue, to suppress, or sidetrack, or subvert by means of its sly syncretism, every single idea, religious or secular, which threatens the caste system and the domination of the deceitful Brahmins.

9. Speaking scientifically and in a historical perspective, Hindus proper are only the high castes in the present-day “Hindu society”, and describing the rest of the people as Hindus is a dirty swindle.

10. Hindus alias the high caste descendants of the Aryan invaders have joined, and will continue to join, hands with any and every reactionary ideology and force - feudalism, capitalism, colonialism, American imperialism, etc. - in order to safeguared the caste system and its own stranglehold on the toiling masses of India.
We have presented in simple and straight language the lore which Christian, British and Communist imperialists came to sell with varying degrees of sophistication, in a large number of tomes, treatises, and articles in learned journals published by prestigious publishing houses such as the Oxford University Press. In any case, by now the so-called Dalit Movement is retailing this lore in the way we have summarized it, without being questioned by any of its highbrow hawkers.

The word “Hindu” was thus not only robbed of all the pride and prestige it had acquired over the past several centuries, but also made synonymous with foreign invaders who had committed no end to crimes against the native people. The word no more designated the vast majority of this country’s population; on the contrary, it became the hallmark of a small minority which had conspired to masquerade as the majority. The Buddhists, the Jains, the Sikhs, and the Animists (new name for those subscribing to tribal religions) were taken out of the fold of Hinduism at one fell sweep. Finally, the “Dravidian South” was given a call to revolt against everything associated with the word “Hindu” - religion, culture, language, etc.

This was the lore which was taught in school and college textbooks of an educational system which had been designed and was being controlled by the British establishment and the Christian missions. This was the lore which was given the pride of place in Communist pamphlets and periodicals which started to proliferate from the ‘twenties of this century onwards. And this was the lore by mouthing which a section in the Indian National Congress started strutting around as “progressive”, “radical”, “revolutionary”, "socialist", and the rest. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru became the leader of this section after a brief visit to the Soviet Union in 1927. And he started fancying himself as a great historian when his Glimpses of World History and Discovery of India, which revelled in this lore, were hailed as classics by the prestigious press in this country and abroad.

Meanwhile, Muslim historians of the Marxist schools had polished up a subsidiary thesis. Their main purpose was to salvage Islam from its blood-soaked history, and present the medieval Muslim rule in India as a native dispensation. Mohammad Habib of the Aligarh Muslim University came out with the thesis that the Islamic invaders had destroyed Hindu temples not in obedience to the tenets of Islam but out of their lust for loot. This thesis was lapped up immediately by Pandit Nehru and his progressive host in the Congress. Pandit Sunderlal picked up the hint and painted Islam and the medieval Muslim rule in glorious colours. The finishing touches were given by M.N. Roy who propounded that Islam had come to India for completing the social revolution which Buddhism had started but failed to accomplish because Brahminism had responded with fire and sword. 

But the word “Hindu” had not yet become a dirty word. It still covered the Buddhists, the Jains, and the Sikhs except for some separatist fringes which had imbibed the monothestic theology of the Muslim-Christian combine or the Leftist lore. Stalwarts of Hindu re-awakening - Swami Dayananda, Bankim Chandra, Vivekananda, Sri Aurobindo - had seen through the Christian and the British game and given a strong lead which had not yet been exhausted. 

The word “Hindu” started being brought into contempt on some scale in the truncated Hindu homeland with the rise of Pandit Nehru to supreme power in the post-independence period. He was a combined spokesman of all imperialist ideologies which had visited this country in the past - Islamic, Christian, British, and Communist. Small wonder that he placed the Ministry of Education in the hands of a Muslim-Marxist combine headed by Maulana Abul Kalam Azad. Christian missions were given full facilities to educate the Hindus, and convert as many of them as they could manage. The missionary apparatus started building itself anew, after a period of panic experienced by it when the British Raj was drawing to its end.  

08 May, 2012

Guru NanakDevji & the Janeu

"The Divine Thread started everything. 
The knower of the Thread is a yogi, his Knowledge is 
beyond the scope of the Vedas. 
Pearls stringed together form an ornament. The Divine Thread holds together the Universe. 
The Yogi wears this Thread when he becomes aware of his Divinity. 
Established in highest state of Yoga, the yogi discards the external thread. 
The wearer of the Thread of Knowledge is never unclean. The Thread exists within him. 

Knowledge is the greatest purifier." 
--- Brahma Upanishad ---

It is a well known fact that Guru Nanak Devji studied the Upanishads, Vedas  & Puranas with the help of sants, sadhus, mystics & yogis of the time. In the Shri Adi Granthji, is Nanak Dev ji saying exactly what the above sanskrit shloka is describing in the Upanishads, which was known thousands of centuries before His birth? He was born a Brahmin of the Vedi or Bedi clan who are students of any one particular Veda; there are Dvi-Vedis who study two Vedas, there are Tri-Vedis who study three Vedas & finally there are the Chatur-Vedis who study all the four Vedas - my point is that the neo-sikh talibanis, have suppressed & shamelessly distorted the famous shloka of Guru Nanak Devji regarding the Janeu of Spirituality - was Guruji actually saying the same  as what was already mentioned in the Upanishads by the ancient Rishis? The bigotted Tat Khalsa Singh Sabhias were quick to include this shloka and make into a canard and into an incident within the Janamsakhis of Guru NanakDevji simply to bash Hindu traditions with. But this is what Guruji actually wrote down in Asa Di Vaar :

''Make compassion the cotton, contentment the thread, modesty the knot and truth the twist; This is the sacred thread of the Soul; if you have it then go ahead and put it on me; It does not break, it cannot be soiled by filth,it cannot be burnt or lost; Blessed are those mortal beings ( Yogis ) O Nanak who wear around their necks''.

Okay lets take a closer look at the above shloka written by Guru Nanakji & lets see how much similar it truly is to the original shloka of the Brahma Upanishad. Is there any rejection at all of the sacred thread or Janeu as far as Guruji is concerned? It certainly doesn't seem so.In fact Guruji seems to be eager to wear the spiritual thread as described in the Upanishad shloka.Nowhere is Guruji stating that he rejects wearing of any Janeu, but insists on the one that is simply described in the Upanishads by Rishis of long ago.

My argument : How does Guruji & Sikhi become non-Hindu when He was repeating exactly the same words mentioned in the Hindu Upanishads texts when describing the Janeu or sacred thread ?  So why is it that the anti-Hindu bigots of the Tat Khalsa Singh Sabha seem to make such a big hue & cry about this particular shloka of Asa Di Vaar whenever they want to paint a separate identity of Sikhi ? By the way, this shloka was written by Guruji during his later years & not at the time of His receiving the Janeu from His Guru Pandit Dayal as is wrongly told to all of us by the Neo Sikhs.Remember, He was only 8 years old when his father arranged the Janeu ceremony for Him. 

05 May, 2012

Amritsar - An ancient City - by Tanveer Singh

I happened to be surfing the net & found this exceptional article that I would like to share with you all, about Amritsar & its Vedic history. Written beautifully by another Tanveer Singh, I'm happy to note that there are Sikhs who are waking up to the Sanatan Dharmic heritage & boldly stating all true facts to get back at the Taliban Sikh brigade.

 Read the entire article here : 

03 May, 2012

Hindu Khalsa Flags - Part 2

Continuing with my last post on the Hindu-Khalsa flags & how the final 'Sikh' flag evolved under the SGPC. Today it is unimaginable that there was a time when a traditional Saffron flag with the motif of Durga Mata flew above the Shri Harimandirji, thanks to the fraud of Tat Khalsa. As is seen in most of the earlier paintings that the Khanda was not the emblem at all of the 'Sikhs' during the time of the Gurus - upto the 10th Guru in fact - until the SGPC decided to give Sanatan Sikhi a different colour set apart from its Hindu heritage that had continued during the time of all the Gurus. Though, however, Khanda is the assortment of the various weapons of Hindu Goddess Shakti Durga & still the present 'Sikh' emblem is very much a part of Hindu tradition that was prevalent several centuries ago.

Painting circa : 18th century - of a Hindu Khalsa army

Khalsa flags bearing the Hindu Goddesses of war

Sketch of Shri Harimandirji ca 19th century ( 1874 AD). The flags hoisted at the top  have the tulwar, kattar & dhal

Close up of the above image

A clearly visible Saffron flag carried by the Hindu Khalsa of Guru Gobindji's army

Wall painting. Temple of Bairagis, Hoshiarpur circa:19th century- 10th Guruji with the Hindu Khalsa holding a simple flag 

circa: 18th century - 10th Guruji with his Khalsa army & a red-saffron flag

circa: end 17th century-early 18th century - a very simple flag

circa: 18th century - 10th Guruji with the Khalsa carrying a saffron flag  that has the symbols of dagger, sword & dhal

circa : 18th century - the 4 Sahibzadas - the flag is yellow & simple background

circa: 18th century - 10th Guruji with his army- a simple yellow flag with sword, dagger & dhal

A close up of the flag

Painting circa: 19th century - Baba Deep Singhji - the Khanda symbol  is visible  at the top of his turban but in the background the old styl of flag is visible also.

Closer view of the flag in the background

Guru Gobind Singhji inspiring the Hindu Khalsa army at Anandpur Sahib. Painting : 1930s
A close up of the flag carried by the Khalsa & the dhal shield & tulwar sword is visible behind the bird.

A very ancient Khanda belonging to the Chola tradition of India

circa: late 19th- early 20th century Khalsa military turban badge. The emblem  consists of a khanda sword above a chakra, two crossed curved swords, two axes within the chakra. 
circa: 19th century - Maharaja Ranjit Singhji with Hari Singhji. Behind is the shield, two tulwars & a bow across

Closer view 

circa: late 19th - early 20th century - the 10 Gurujis. Emblem at the top of the painting has two tulwars, a bow, a dhal & a trishul at the centre. While both the emblems at the bottom of the painting have two axes, two tulwars & trishul at the centre of the dhal.
Closer view of the emblem at the top of the painting

Closer view of the emblem at the bottom of the painting
Painting circa: late 19th - early 20th century - all ten Gurujis.  The emblem at the top has two swords, a bow, a Chakra & trishul, while the two emblems at the bottom of the painting have two battle axes, a bow, two swords, a Chakra & trishul spear at the centre.

Shiv Swaroopi Hindu Sant with the Addh Chand.
Shiv Swaroopi Akali Nihang

Shiv Swaroopi Akali Nihang

Closer view of the painting with a Nihang & all the Hindu weapon symbols 

1912 - Vancouver, British Columbia. The emblem is part of a letterhead of a mining company run by Sikh immigrants in Canada. Visible in the emblem is a large Khanda, two banners, two curved tulwar swords & a Chakra.

1904 : Golden Temple- The Photo shows schoolboys at Shri Harimandirji . They are wearing turbans which were  of a common style all over Northern India. There are Hindus as well standing in the background, one is a Brahmin teacher while there are some who haven't covered their heads. It seems like all Gurudvaras of the time, the Shri Harimandirji was also a great centre of learning, where there were Brahmin teachers & Hindu murtis also were inside the HariMandirji before the Christian Missionaries under the British threw them out to make the complex a Christian centre in 1906. In the far background, the Miri Piri flags are visible  - having the Dhal, Kattar & Khanda.
A close up where the symbols are very visible. Flags bear the shield, tulwar & dagger.

To be continued....