
23 May, 2012

Guru Nanak Devji Was a Hindu

The controversial painting that dates back to the early-mid 19th century showing Guru Nanak Devji wearing a Seli Topi, has a Tilak & is shown praying to Lord Vishnu. The painting, like all the Puraatan ones of Guruji, truly shows & proves how Sikhism is a part of the whole Hindu family and is a Panth ( Path ) of this great Sanatan heritage. SGPC, the Singh Sabha, including the Taliban brigade of Canadian Sikhs, have tried suppressing facts & have lived in denial of their Hindu roots of Sikhi, but the above rare Puraatan painting, which is stored in the Shimla museum, says more then a thousand words.

Neo-Sikhs, I certainly hope you all  enjoy looking at this beautiful painting of Guru Nanak Devji with none other than the 'Brahminical God' known as Lord Vishnu.


ਪਉੜੀ ੧ : ਮੂਲ ਮੰਗਲਾਚਰਣ
Ikonkaar Satigur Prasaadi ॥
ੴ सतिगुर प्रसादि ॥
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru

ਅਖਰੀ ਨਾਮੁ ਅਖਰੀ ਸਾਲਾਹ ॥akharee naam akharee saalaah ||

From the Word, comes the Naam; from the Word, comes Your Praise.
~SGGS Ji ang 4

AUM - the Pranava sound described in the Vedas is the Shabad Naad of the true ParamAtma, the Supreme Brahman. It is believed that from AUM, which is the Shabad Naad  ( word & sound ) came the entire Cosmos into being. AUM is the essence of the Vedas, Upanishads as well as the Hindu Holy scripture known as Bhagavad Gita. It is recited at the beginning of all prayers in Sanatan Dharmic tradition. AUM is the Ek Akshar Shabda Brahma which is the form of ParaBrahma, the One who is praised throughout the Vedas, Upanishads as well as the Sri Adi Granth - we come across the mentioning of ParaBrahma many times in Sri Adi Granth. From AUM-kaar, the One word, came Brahma, Vishnu & Shiva - the Trinity of Devatas, representing the diverse manifestations & energies of the Supreme Being. AUM represents the idea that in spite of manifesting Himself diversely, the Supreme Being represents the Cosmic energy of creation through the One Sound Vibration.

Let us see what the Hindu scriptures say about Aum : 

The First Word Om (Aum)
"It is also called Pranava because its sound emanates from the Prana (vital vibration), which feels the Universe. The scripture says "Aum Iti Ek Akshara Brahman" (Aum that One syllable is Supreme Brahman)."  

When you pronounce AUM :

A - emerges from the throat, originating in the region of the navel - represents the physical plane
U - rolls over the tongue - represents the mental and the astral planes, the world of spirits, all heavens
M - ends on the lips - represents all the deep sleep state and all that is unknown and beyond the reach of the intellect even in your waking
A - waking, U - dreaming, M – sleeping

The symbol of AUM contains of three curves, one semicircle and a dot. The large lower curve symbolizes the waking state; the upper curve denotes deep sleep (or the unconscious) state, and the lower curve (which lies between deep sleep and the waking state) signifies the dream state. These three states of an individual's consciousness, and therefore the entire physical phenomenon, are represented by the three curves. The dot signifies the Absolute (fourth or Turiya state of consciousness), which illuminates the other three states. The semicircle symbolizes maya (Maya is the illusion that the phenomenal world of separate objects and people is the only reality. and separates the dot from the other three curves. The semicircle is open on the top, which means that the absolute is infinite and is not affected by maya. In this way the form of Aum symbolizes the infinite Brahman and the entire Universe. 

Vedanta reiterates this eternal truth in the statement : 

Brahma Satyam: Brahman, the Infinite, alone is real. Jagat mithyaa: Jagat, or the world of experiences, is an illusion. Jeevo Brahmaiva na apraah: And jeeva, or the individual ego, is that Infinite alone, not something other than It." 

The Upanishads declare that there is only one Reality; if we see anything other than That, it is unreal. The same eternal Truth is what is indicated by Guru Nanakji in the use of the word Ek. He added Om to EK & continued the Vedic tradition of invoking the ParaBrahma as Om before beginning all Shabads etc.


Nanak says, 'This world is an illusion, like the dream at night.'" We think Ishwara, jeeva and jagat, that is, God, man and the world, are three different entities. But in reality they are one.

So, in short,  Ek Akshara AumKaar as described in Hindu scriptures, means the One word or One syllable AUM.  Kaar is the Sanskrit word for Sound Vibration (Naad), syllable & word. 

As far as Sanatan Sikh tradition goes, Aumkaar is the One word, one syllable & sound vibration representing ParaBrahma & centuries down the line from Guru Nanak Devji, to the 10th Guruji, the word  was pronounced as AumKaar, until the British paid Christian agent, Max Arthur Macauliffe during the 1800s, turned AUMKAAR into a misinterpretation of  his Protestant 'One God' as in Abrahamic belief of monism.He misinterpreted the Aum syllable as having a meaning of ' There is only One God' instead of its true meaning as per the Pranava sound of Shabad Naad & mispronounced it as ON-Kar. The Europeans lack the ability to  pronounce gutteral sounds which form part of all Indian languages derived from Sanskrit, as is well known. The paranoia suffered by Neo-Sikhs is incredible when it comes to proving Omkar as Onkar which they claim is not the 'same as the one in Hindu Dharam'. They will do & say anything & go great lengths in trying to prove how OANG-kar is not taken from the original AUM-Kaar. 

The word ON-Kaar evolved further into OAN-Kar & now all of a sudden it is being pronounced nowadays as IK OANG-Kar! They falsely claim that the 'Sikh' OANGKAR is very different from the original Hindu Omkar - obviously it is now different since even its pronunciation has been deliberately changed in order to give it a distinct sound from the original Omkar mentioned by Guru NakaDevji. But these brainwashed Talibanised 'Sikhs' fail to understand that the idea of OANG-Kar was borrowed from its Vedic mother - AUM-Kar which is Pranava Naad & by discarding this, not even the first word of the first sentence of Japji Sahib will make any sense.  So what is Pranava? It is a very deep philosophical Sound vibration, which the ignorants following the Abrahamic faiths would never have a clue about, but have managed to Christianize/ Islamise the very true meaning of AUM.

The Pranava (AUM) is a combination of four parts, namely, 1. A (Aakaara), 2. U (Ukaara), 3. M (Makaara) and 4.Bindu and Naad. These parts are symbolic of 1. Creation, 2. Preservation, 3. Dissolution and 4. Deliverance, which form the eternal life-death rhythm that goes on in an endless cycle. Thus, Pranava is the sound manifestation of God. 

The four parts of AUM correspond to four states of Consciousness: 
1. The sound 'a' is the symbol of the waking state (Jagrath Avastha
2. The sound 'u' is the symbol of the dream state (Svapna Avastha). 
3. The sound 'm' is the symbol of the deep-sleep state (Sushupti Avastha). 
4. The closing sound of the syllable, followed by silence, is the symbol of the transcendental state (Turiya).

Four stages of AUM 
The Four stages of the syllable Om are the complete representation of the four stages of sound and their counterparts. 
1. The physical (Sthula) part is connected to Vaikhari sabda. 
2. The subtle (Sukshma) part is connected to Madhyama sabda. 
3. The causal (Karana) part is connected to Pasyanthi sabda 
4. The transcendental part is connected to Para sabda

Four states of Consciousness 

The four stages of sound and their counterparts are manifested in the four states of consciousness: 
1. The physical body operates in the state of wakefulness. It is in this realm of consciousness and through this body that Vaikhari-vak is manifested. 
2. The subtle body operates in the dream state. It is in this realm of consciousness and through this body that the Madhyama-vak is manifested. 
3. The causal body operates in the state of deep sleep state. It is in this realm of consciousness and through this body that the Pashyanti-vak is manifested. 
4. The Para-vak is manifested through the fourth state of consciousness, namely, the transcendental (turiya) state.


The Singh Sabha definition / translation of 'Ikonkar', Ik ong Kar, Ik OANG-kar -  has no meaning at all. Their definition of AUM as ON-kar, Ong-Kar, Oang-Kar as  'There is Only One ( Creator ) God' has no meaning at all in any form in the Sri Adi Granthji. Not so as per the Vedic Pranava concept of Sound & Naad which is Pranava Nada, the pure manifestation of the Nirguna to come into world of Prakriti/ manifestation through the power of Shabd Brahman, which was created by Mantra AUM the vibrational SOUND current.

Shri Adi Granthsays, "Omkar Ved nirmaye." It literally means Omkar (God) revealed the Vedas.
Adi Granthji also mentions: ,"Ved, Kitab kaho mat jhoote, jhoota woh jo na vichare."

''Do not say that the Vedas and the other holy scriptures are not true scriptures; the individual who does not study them is an untruthful person.''

Ek is pronounced as IK by the SGPC Granthis & Omkaar is pronounced as ON-Kar & recently to OANG-Kar, where the meaning of the word Kar is translated nowadays as 'to create' or to do, instead of the original KAAR taken from the sanskrit word of Sound Vibration or Naad Brahma. By twisting & manipulating the meaning of Omkaar & blindly following the manipulated Christian definitions of Vedic Omkaar mantra, the Neo-Sikhs have now begun to sing at the beginnings of all prayers - be it the divine Jaap Ji or even Shabads - as IK OANGKAR! This pathetic attempt of theirs to make their version of Sikhi appear to be different from the original Sanatan Sikhi is beyond imagination. Or should I say rather foolish ? So according to these Talibani Sikhs, they have sunk so low that they actually need Macauliffe a British imperialist to translate for them what Ek Omkaar is & how to (mis) pronounce it as IKOANG-Kar? BUT have great problems with the Vedic meaninigs of AUM-Kaar which belong to the whole Indian nation? And, these same Neo Sikhs are quick to call Macauliffe a great historian, the representative of Sikhs & a great schoalr as well! Well here in his own words, this is what this Satan mentioned :

While Max Arthur McAuliffe achieved the position of Deputy Commissioner in Punjab in 1882, Macauliffe wrote the popular Tat Khalsa text. 

‘It is admitted that a knowledge of the religions of the people of India is a desideratum for the British officials who administer its affairs and indirectly for the people who are governed by them so that mutual sympathy may be produced. It seems, at any rate politic to place before the Sikh soldiery their Guru’s prophecies in favor of the English and the texts of their sacred writings which foster their loyalty.’ ‘The Sikh Religion’,1909, M.A. Macauliffe, Preface xxii
Volume 1, By Max Arthur MacAuliffe p. 13

How can the Sikhs trust this anti-Sikh British Christian skunk?

The One referred to by EK has its original roots in the Vedas, Ek Akshara Aumkara, the Primal God which is Present as vibrational Presence in Sound, and the power of mantra or Jaap Naam simran is derived from this sound. If mantras had no power of vibrational Presence of the Divine Nirguna Nirakar, coming into Sargun Sakaar, or some perceivable form, there would be no power of Guru Vakya or Shabda. There would be no Shabda. There would be no NAAM. There would be no Gurmantra. And more importantly, there would be no boat of Mukti or method of liberation in the Kalyug.

Thererfore the  translated definition by the Neo-Sikhs of "One Creator God" is completely false &  meaningless. The reciting of the very term ' Ikonkar, or shall we correctly say, Ek Aumkaar, is the very boat of Mukti that can transcend the ocean of misery as described in the Sri Adi Granthji as the method for achieving transcendence through elevation of consciousness to the Turiya state and merging as ONE  with the  Divine Consciousness.

By suppressing & ignoring the underlying Sanskrit terminology, the SGPC in cahoots with their partners in crime, the Neo Sikhs, have successfully managed to keep the truth of Sanatan Dharam roots of Sikhi away from the attention of gullible 'Sikhs' of today.  They have done this through the many Youtube 'Gurus' who make idiotic videos that challenge everything & anything within Sikhi that has roots in Hinduism to the anti- Sanatan venomous websites & forums over the net.