Sanatan Heritage of Sikhi
Blessed is the paper, blessed is the pen, blessed is the ink.
Blessed is the writer, O Nanak, who writes the True Name. ||1||
(Guru Nanak Sahib. Raag Malaar Ang 1291)
ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂ ਜੀ ਕਾ ਖ਼ਾਲਸਾ
ਵਹਿਗੁਰੂ ਜੀ ਕੀ ਫਤਿਹ॥
This post is about the Puratan Swaroop of Shri Adi Granthji with beautiful & rare images never seen before. These include the Jaapji prayer, images of decorated Swaroops with Ek Omkaar flanked by Hindu Devatas like Ganesh, Hanuman, Shri Krishanji, Brahma, Mata Saraswati, Mahakal Shivji, etc
Jaap Ji in Puratan Swaroop
Puratan Swaroop of decorated Dasam Granthji from the collection of British Library
Decorated Swaroops from National Museum New Delhi - Above Swaroop is a profusely decorated copy of the Damdami Birh - lavishly illuminated in Kashmiri style. The Swaroop was commissioned by Sodhi Bhan Singh of Haranpur (district Jhelum) between 1839 and 1843, it was produced by Kashmiri artist Miha Singh and the scribe Misar Prakas. Bhan Singh was a Sodhi decendent of Prithi Chand. .

The contents page with Omkaar of the Birh is striking with Lord Vishnu as DvadashKamalas - the 12 petalled lotuses - illustrations of all the Hindu Devatas are there including Ganesh & Hanumanji
Above: we see the tradition of Bhai Banno, it is said that when Guru ArjanDevJi finished dictating the Adi Granth Ji to Bhai Gurdas the scribe, he sent Bhai Banno to Lahore to have the Pothi bound. Bhai Banno made a copy of the pothi which he also had bound. He presented both the volumes to Guru Sahib. In the illustration from this birh we can see Bhai Banno and Bhai Gurdas standing by their respective 'birhs' and Guru Arjan Dev Ji is pointing to the birh scribed by Bhai Gurdas as the accepted birh.
Below: close up of the image:Omkaar flanked by Shivji, Brahmaji, Vishnuji, Mata Laskhmiji, Ganeshji, Hanumanji
Puratan Swaroop depicting Guru Sahibaan & Bhan Singh ji worshipping Lord Mahakaal Shivji, Chandi Mata

Jaap Ji decorated Swaroop with the Dvadash ( 12 ) Lotus petals with Vedic Hindu Devatas: Ganesh as Omkaar, Krishanji, Narasingh Avatar of Lord Vishnu, Goddess Saraswati with Lord Ganesh.

NaraSingh Avatar of Lord Vishnu