
21 March, 2013

What Bharat was like in 1835

Macaulay’s note on what kind of country was India when he visited it, and what should be done to break its backbone. The “modern” generation of Indians (the likes of Nehru and Arvind Adiga, and today’s pub-going cool dudes) grovelling in front of the white man is a result of this strategy put in motion by the British 150 years ago.
Our education system was subverted to teach the glory of Western civilisation while study of Hindu civilisation was banned. Sanskrit was banned. Traditional village schools were de-recognised. The result was mass illiteracy. By 1905 (in merely 50 years), the British had managed to reduce the literacy rate of India to only 6 percent! 
The steep fall of Indian economy and education was staggering. Entire industries were run to the ground. Captal and bullion were transferred to Britain by shiploads, which financed its industrial revolution. But millions began to die in famines in India. Remember, in 1750, India accounted for 25 percent of the world’s GDP. It was the richest country in the world. By the time the British left in 1947, it had come down to less than one percent. And our first Prime Minister Nehru has the cheek to go to Oxford and thank the British for ruling us and civilising us!
The curriculum that British introduced to brainwash our Hindu and Sikh children and fill them with low self-esteem about Hindu civilisation was left unchanged even after independence. The study of Hindu culture, literature and scriptures still remains banned in our schools. The communists entered the education system under patronage of Nehru and Indira Gandhi and injected it with anti-Hindu poison.
The result of all this? The White Man shows to the whole world Indians swimming in shit and projects the forced blindings of young children as the “reality of the heathens of India.” The White director is awarded the White Man’s award for his services. The Indians become delirious with joy and call Slumdog Millionaire the “highest achievement of Indian film industry”! Anil Kapoor dances a jig and swoons on the stage in front of the Whites. The coolies celebrate. ”We are coolies no more!” they gush. “We have progressed. Now we are slumdogs!” The prime minister congratulates Indians. The ruling party Congress declares it as the major achievement of its term. And I hear the macabre laughter of the ghost of Macaulay.

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