
22 March, 2013

More crazy Khalistani Myths

Khalistani Myth : 'All the Gurus were Sikhs'

Khalistanis are usually quick to tell us that the Guru Sahibaans were actually Sikhs belonging to a different faith other than Hindu Dharm. They have even gone as far as telling us that the Mughals were actually confused when it came to describing the Gurus. 

Guru Arjan Devji was the 5th Guru in succession, who became Guru in September 1581 after Guru RamDasji. He was the first of the Gurus to be martyred by the tyrannical Mughals. Guruji's clothing such as : Seli topi(cap normally worn by Hindu saints only ), chola, pyjama, Batva, Dushala, Simrana Mala and the Chandan with which he would do Tilak after taking bath everyday  are kept in the historical town of Doaba. The fact that Guruji wore Chandan Tilak proves our Gurus were all Hindus, addressing Hindus of Punjab at the time. Their audience was mainly Hindu as Sikhism was not known at the time. What they preached was indeed Vaishnava Vedanta in its simplest of form to the wider majority who were downtrodden under the Islamic tyranny. 

This is what Jahangir writes  in his diary the "Tuzuk-i-Jahagiri" ( "Memoirs of Jahangir") about Guruji :

"In Govindwal, which is on the river Biyah (Beas), there was a Hindu named Arjun, in the garments of sainthood and sanctity, so much so that he had captured many of the simple-hearted of the Hindus, and even of the ignorant and foolish followers of Islam, by his ways and manners, and they had loudly sounded the drum of his holiness. They called him Guru, and from all sides stupid people crowded to worship and manifest complete faith in him. For three or four generations (of spiritual successors) they had kept this shop warm. Many times it occurred to me to put a stop to this vain affair or to bring him into the assembly of the people of Islam."

Janhangir's passage is very significant, for it clearly indicates a vital point.
 He clearly indicates that Guru Arjan Devji was a Hindu, who was attracting more Hindus (of Punjab) and Hindu converts of Islam to his teaching and Darbar (i.e. having more success than Jahangir and the Ulama at drawing crowds and converts) - he was definitely as Jahangir said 'keeping his shop warm’.

Farid Bukhari was appointed governor of the Panjab with unlimited powers. Within a few months of the new Emperor’s accession (October 1605) Guru Arjun was tortured to death (June 1606).
Shortly after Guru Arjun Devji's death Shaikh Ahmad of Sarhind wrote to Farid Bukhari:
‘The execution of the accursed kafir of Goindwal is an important achievement and is the cause of the great defeat of the accursed Hindus.’

Ahmad clearly indicates how the death of Guruji , who was the spiritual leader of all Hindus would be a great blow to the Hindus of Punjab, who would now have no other option but of defeat & accept Islam.

In a letter written to Shaikh Farid Bukhari entitled Murtza Khan, the Governor of Punjab, he said: 

''The execution at this time of the ‘accursed Kafir’ of Goindwall…with whatever motive…is an act of the highest grace for the followers of Islam.''He added : ''the Hindus should be treated as dogs. Jazia should be imposed upon them and cow slaughter should be allowed in the open.''

These accounts written by the Islamic occupiers of the time clearly indicate 2 things:
1. Guruji had successfully united the Hindus of Punjab under his spiritual leadership & due to this the Islamic rulers had become envious & insecure, therefore executing Guruji to destroy the morale of the Hindus;
2. He was a Hindu himself who addressed his fellow Hindus of the time through teaching the great spiritual philosophy of Sanatan Dharm which was dear to all the Gurus.

Neo Sikhs, see if you can prove any of this wrong.

Going Back to Classical Raga Shabads & Kirtans

I was at one of my favourite Gurudwaras recently for someone's Akhand Paath & the atmosphere as usual was divine.But the Granthis were as usual ill educated, out of 'SUR' when singing Shabads with filmi tunes  - one must have continued to speak of Macauliffe & how the Christian missionary 'saved Sikhi' for the good of Punjab. Looking around, most of the sangat were either not interested in what the Granthi was saying, nor anyone seemed to know who the hell is Macauliffe even.. Little did this Granthi know the extent of damage & poison that has been the main cause of Macauliffe's mistranslations, manipulations of the Shri Adi Granthji & seeds of anti-Hinduism sown into every Sikh's mind. The type of 'Parchaar' or speeches going on nowadays in most Gurudwaras are actually dragging Sikhi backwards & away from the Guru's original words & preaching. Is it any wonder that Sikhs are lost nowadays? Either we get the most radical brainwashed Khalistani Talibani Sikhs with turbans & beards only as their identity with no clue as to what the original Sanatan Sikhi was as per the Guru's word - or  - we get those who don't even care whether they are Sikhs or not. Their's is just to drink their cash away, eat all types of meat, go to the local Gurudwara for showing off to their Sikh neighbours only - but the true essence of Sikhi is truly withering away daily as seen in most Gurudwaras. The most annoying & disappointing thing about the way in which the Granthis sing Shabads & Kirtans nowadays is no way near to arousing any spirituality within the hearts of the listeners or devotees. Perhaps we ought to demand that these Granthis or Raagis to sing in the original Ragas in which the Shabads are meant to be sung in. 

I'll finish the post with this fantastic video & hope you all enjoy listening to this Shabad Kirtan bani of Shri Guru Angad Devji in its traditional Raga Sri Raga Di Vaar.

WaheGuruji Ka Khalsa
WaheGuruji Ki Fateh
